Gadsden State Community College is improving its athletic facilities. On April 2, 2024, Lathan Architects participated in the ground breaking ceremony for the new Baseball and Softball Complex. Lathan Architects is pleased to be a part of this project for the college. The new complex will include the following:
Entry concourse between fields
Full synthetic turf and bullpens, state-of-the-art LED lighting systems, new scoreboards and protective netting systems at both fields
Locker rooms and restrooms in the home dugout for the players and coaches
Concessions building with serving windows on both sides to accommodate both fields
Multi-stall restrooms for spectators
Elevated bleachers that seat 150
Press boxes
Chairback seating sections behind home plate for each field
A covered hitting facility with three synthetic turf hitting and pitching lanes
Read more about the project at the following link: https://www.gadsdenstate.edu/about-us/latest-news.cms/2024/589/Gadsden%20State%20breaks%20ground%20for%20$10%20million%20sports%20complex
